Sfruttando il 3D Touch, e con jailbreak, uno sviluppatore (Simon Gladman) è riuscito ad utilizzare il suo iPhone 6s per comparare il peso di due prugne. L’app si chiama Plum-O-meter.

Come vari video dimostrano, in confronto a tutti gli iPhone che lo hanno preceduto, il 6s è piuttosto resistente all’acqua: Apple è rimasta silente a riguardo, nessuna menzione sul sito né al keynote di lancio —, ma anche l’ispezione di iFixit ha rivelato nei componenti interni le misure adottate da Apple contro l’acqua:

The logic board brought a bigger surprise. Every cable connector on the board—from the battery and display, to the Lightning port and buttons—is surrounded by what appears to be a tiny silicone seal. Those little connectors are the most vulnerable bits of the device—quick to short out and corrode during unplanned aquatic excursions. Apple filed a patent for waterproof silicone seals on board-to-board connectors just this past March. It appears this is one patent they’ve rapidly put into production.

Normalmente un device viene reso impermeabile esternamente, sigillando le sue parti. Questa pratica però rende difficile qualsiasi riparazione successiva; Apple quindi — che potrebbe aver reso gli iPhone impermeabili anche in vista della quantità di device che fra un anno gli tornerà indietro, e dovrà immettere sul mercato dell’usato — lo ha reso impermeabile internamente, in particolare ha reso la scheda logica resistente all’acqua.

Scrive Wired:

Conventional wisdom leans on the brute-force method of coating a device’s case to keep the water out. “That’s what we were looking for,” says Suovanen. “We started looking at the case, the headphone jack, the Lightning port, to see if they did anything to keep water out.” Aside from a thin adhesive strip, though, nothing about the iPhone 6s exterior stood out as substantively different from the iPhone 6.

Jeff Atwood, lo sviluppatore di Discourse[1. Per alcuni mesi lo utilizzati su questo blog]:

It seems the Android manufacturers are more interested in slapping n slow CPU cores on a die than they are in producing very fast CPU cores. And this is quite punishing when it comes to JavaScript.

This is becoming more and more of a systemic problem in the Android ecosystem, one that will not go away in the next few years, and it may affect the future of Discourse, since we bet heavily on near-desktop JavaScript performance on mobile devices. That is clearly happening on iOS but it is quite disastrously the opposite on Android.

Chrome su desktop però mostra performance pari se non migliori di Safari. La ragione risiede piuttosto in Android, nel processore: il migliore device Android in circolazione ha una performance peggiore dell’iPhone 5.

Notava John Gruber, nella sua recensione dell’iPhone 6S:

Take a look at Geekbench’s aggregate results for Android devices. In terms of single-core performance, there isn’t a single Android phone that beats the two-year-old iPhone 5S. Android devices fare better in multi-core benchmarks, because they have more cores (some have eight, many have four — the iPhones 6S still have only two cores), but single-core performance is a better measure for the sort of things you can feel while using a device. Apple is literally years ahead of the industry.

Il nuovo Touch ID, che Apple dice essere 2x più veloce del sensore precedente, è davvero veloce. Sono abituato a schiacciare il bottone Home per dare uno sguardo alle notifiche e all’orario ma sui nuovi iPhone 6s, scrive Gruber, quella pressione rapida e veloce é sufficiente a autenticare e sbloccare l’iPhone:

Apple is billing the new Touch ID sensor as “up to 2× faster”. They’re underselling it. It’s so fast now that every single time I press it, it unlocks the phone, no matter how brief the contact is between my finger and the sensor. I can sit here and try to use the home button to get to the lock screen, and I can’t unless I purposefully only touch a small portion of the button or use an unregistered finger. It’s that fast. This actually takes some getting used it, if, like me, you sometimes use the home button just to get to the lock screen to check the date or time. With the new Touch ID sensor, the home button instantly unlocks the phone and I need to use the sleep/wake button to get to the lock screen.

L’iPhone 6s più economico sarà da 16GB, e il fatto che tuttora Apple produca un iPhone da 16GB (saltando il taglio da 32GB, e passando invece direttamente a 64GB) è una cosa di cui rammaricarsi.

David Smith:

In the end Apple has decided to continue offering a product that will almost inevitably fail their customer at some point, and potentially fail them at a moment of deep personal importance. That makes me sad, and as someone who makes my living riding their coattails, worried about the long term effects of this short term thinking. Maybe it is just sentimentality but those aren’t the priorities that I think Apple stands for.