Chris Thoburn:

It’s awesome that Chrome had this feature, right?

If that last thought was actually your last thought… congrats, you just mentally accepted years of torture doing exactly this to fix the other “most feature rich browsers”… IE6, 7, 8, and 9. …but “Standards!”. Yes, these features are on standards tracks, and thankfully far enough along they aren’t likely to be rejected. But guess what, a lot of IE’s ideas were proposals too, and a lot of them are only just now being accepted as standards today, just under different names and with improved APIs. Being first does not make you the best.

Safari è più lento nell’adottare feature che ancora sono in discussione e devono diventare standard. Chrome, nel frattempo, adotta tutto in un lampo preoccupandosi poco delle prestazioni.

Posto in altri termini: Safari è più preoccupato col soddisfare gli utenti, Chrome col soddisfare gli sviluppatori.

Se sei un utente Mac perdi all’incirca un’ora di batteria scegliendo Chrome invece di Safari, come i test di BatteryBox hanno dimostrato:

We measured the power consumption of watching videos on YouTube, browsing Reddit, streaming on Netflix vs Putlocker, creeping on Twitter and FaceBook, composing emails on services like Gmail and Hotmail, and searching for stuff on Google, Bing (yup, surprisingly, it’s still used), and DuckDuckGo. We used a factory-restored MacBook Pro Retina 13” to test each website on one internet browser at a time. No programs other than the browser were open.

Magari chi dice che Safari è il nuovo IE si dimentica che oltre all’aggiunta di features c’è altro?