Un’ultima ipotesi sul prezzo dell’Apple Watch, prima dell’evento di questa sera. Gruber crede che il prezzo dei cinturini di metallo — per esempio il Link Bracelet, che richiede nove ore di lavorazione stando al marketing di Apple — sarà molto diverso fra i vari modelli, e in certi casi infinitamente più alto di quanto ci aspettiamo.

Most people [think] that your choice of band will largely be a matter of taste — that the various bands will be close to each other in terms of price. I know for a fact that many Daring Fireball readers are hoping to buy an entry-level Apple Watch Sport and an optional Link Bracelet or Milanese Loop for maybe $150 or $200. And I also think most people expect the steel Apple Watches that come with the Link Bracelet or Milanese Loop to cost only, say, $150–200 more than the entry level models with the rubber — er, fluoroelastomer — bands. I don’t think this is the case, at all. […] I am now thinking that the various Apple Watch bands will be priced in significantly stratified tiers.

In altre parole, prepariamoci a rimanere scandalizzati non solo dal prezzo dell’Apple Watch Edition, ma anche dei singoli cinturini.