Uber sta sperimentando in alcune città, e con un gruppo limitato di utenti, un sistema alternativo di rating, basato su emoji invece che stelline:

Uber’s five-star rating system is a major source of conflict between the company and its drivers. If drivers’ ratings drop below a 4.6, they can be booted off of Uber, a fact that many passengers don’t realize. Consumers who are used to rating restaurants and hotels are likely to think a four-star rating isn’t too bad, not knowing that they could actually be costing their driver his job.

Potrebbe rivelarsi un modo meno vago per esprimere la propria opinione — quattro stelline possono essere considerate in maniera diversa da passeggeri diversi (alcuni potrebbero ritenere un voto alto 4 su 5, senza sapere che Uber licenzia gli autisti che hanno una media inferiore a 4.6), mentre una 😡 può significare un’unica cosa.

Scrive Fusion:

In the age of the quantified self, when our every move is being transcribed into a data point, it makes sense that we would turn to emoji to color in the picture. They could be a quick solution for tracking emotional reactions, not just for customer service, but also for opinions, which can be tricky to translate into numbers. Perhaps in the not so distant future, we will be able to rate the next Hollywood blockbuster as 😢😭🏆, the hip new coffee shop that opened around the corner as 😒, or your recent ride on the bus as 💩👃👎😖, which is probably why you downloaded Uber in the first place.