Pare non abbiamo ancora raggiunto la saturazione, e allora eccoci qua a parlare di un altro film su Steve Jobs. Questa volta è un documentario, s’intitola Steve Jobs: The Man in the Machine, e ovviamente — al solito — tutta l’attenzione (a giudicare dal trailer) è sulla personalità bastarda di Steve Jobs. Hurray!
The Gibney-est trick in this book is the director’s final sleight-of-hand, in which he turns the reflective iPhone screen upon us to ask why we are so crazy-committed to this brand and its little products in our pockets or the palms of our hands. Gibney himself carries an iPhone, of course, and can’t solve this question. It’s a mystery as beguiling as the Jobs myth, and the film is no love letter. It’s a quite stunning, at turns surprising, eulogy — and a big fat question mark. You’re left feeling troubled by this man in the machine.
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