David Sessions ha scritto una buona riflessione su cosa significhi curare un blog riuscendo a metterci dentro il proprio punto di vista, passioni e idee, senza però finire per ritrovarsi a interpretare un noioso e prevedibile copione, scrivendo sempre le stesse cose, riproponendo le solite argomentazioni. Costruire se stessi (leggendo, documentandosi, imparando) sforzandosi di non polarizzarsi troppo sui propri interessi, per quanto banale il consiglio possa apparire:

I’ve gradually seen the limits of blogging for people who think of themselves as writers and not just information-delivery vehicles along the lines of a traditional beat reporter. If you are blogging in an open-ended, perspective-driven format, and not simply commenting on a limited sphere of information, the primary appeal to readers is you: your voice, your personality, your beliefs, and your ability to argue. Your perspective, then, which by definition must draw on your knowledge, experience and ability to express yourself as a thinker. And here’s the thing: perspectives calcify quickly. […] Pretty soon, you’re saying the same thing over and over, and realizing how often you use the same arguments, back them up with the same old links, etc. […] The more you can be forced past your current perspective, the better.